En la actualidad hay unas 6.000 lenguas en el mundo,de las cuales la mitad,tienen riesgo de desaparecer.
En los últimos doscientos años el proceso de aceleración de las desapariciones ha ido en aumento.
Uno de los componentes para la desaparición de estas lenguas son el sometimiento a una lengua más potente(que se hace lengua vehicular de la población,desplazando a la nativa),en el caso irlandés sería el Inglés.
Busy weekend for Irish language activists
It was a busy weekend for Irish language activists in Belfast as a number of actions took place around Saturday's march to demand and Irish Language Act for the Six Counties.
It was a busy weekend for Irish language activists in Belfast as a number of actions took place around Saturday's march to demand and Irish Language Act for the Six Counties.
On Thursday a large portion of the wall on the Whiterock Road was taken over and long sections covered by Irish language proverbs and slogans and an advertisement for the rally.
This was followed on Friday evening as a group of language activists took to the Black Mountain to leave a message in support of the Irish Language Act, a message that would be visible to a large part of the city.
Saturday was the rally in support of the Act with thousands, both young and old, native Irish speakers, learners and supporters, taking to the streets for a rally from Cúlturlann Mc Adam Ó Fiaich on the Falls Road into Belfast city centre and Writers' Square. The very colourful and festive rally was attended by around 3,000 people.
So Irish speakers have made their voices clear - they want a comprehensive, rights-based Irish Language Act. All that remains now is the response of Edwin Poots, the Assembly's Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure.
Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste

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