Esta página pretende ser una pequeña muestra de murales de todas las partes del mundo.
Si tienes algún mural que quieras que figure,no lo dudes,haznoslo saber y lo publicaremos independientemente de su ideología.
Si alguna persona u organización no desea que algún mural este aqui expuesto,por favor que nos lo diga y si es necesario lo eliminaremos.
El contenido aqui reproducido es con caracter exclusivamente informativo.

Gracias a tod@s por ayudarnos a hacer una página plural.


lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

Página con mural pro -palestina.

Incluimos un fragmento de una página americana con un mural a favor de Palestina,que la comunidad Judía ha criticado.

El enlace de la noticia es:

La página principal es:

Mission District 24th and Capp Streets Mural


Sentinel Editor & Publisher
Copyright © 2007 San Francisco Sentinel

A Mission District mural offensive to portions of San Francisco’s Jewish community now stands to be altered due to pressure, in large part, from the Jewish Community Relations Council…

And craven City acquiesence of funding stall…

Part of the mural portrays Palestian fighters breaking through Israeli security…

This corner is pro-Israel and is not interested in those who find any of the Mission District neighborhood somehow engaging, but leave the mural alone…

Freedom of expression is freedom touchstone…

The Jewish community would be better off if Jewish Community Relations Council types got themselves a glass of water…

Memory goes back to their gathering some years ago when they press conferenced a perceived slight with admonition such slights would cause the Jewish community “to shun you”…

Oh, really?… A shun from 3% of the population?

Such bullying feeds into slander that Jewish success is über…

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