Esta página pretende ser una pequeña muestra de murales de todas las partes del mundo.
Si tienes algún mural que quieras que figure,no lo dudes,haznoslo saber y lo publicaremos independientemente de su ideología.
Si alguna persona u organización no desea que algún mural este aqui expuesto,por favor que nos lo diga y si es necesario lo eliminaremos.
El contenido aqui reproducido es con caracter exclusivamente informativo.

Gracias a tod@s por ayudarnos a hacer una página plural.


domingo, 1 de junio de 2008


Se ha incluido una nueva imágen en el álbum de MURALES EXTREMA DERECHA/ULTRAS/PATRIOTICOS (VARIOS PAISES).
La imágen es un elaborado mural que ensalza la figura de Hitler,una vez más se encuentra en Corea del sur,donde hay una extraña fascinación por poner la figura de Hitler en todo tipo de restaurantes y locales.
En otras ocasiones hemos puesto ejemplos en la india y en corea,de una serie de locales con este tipo de decoración.

Incluimos asimismo un fragmento de una página que habla algo sobre el tema de este tipo de murales y escenografia en corea:

Came across this mural in downtown Gwangju Gyeongju (sorry) the other day. It's located about two blocks from 대릉원, one of the tomb parks, and is painted on the side of a store. It's on 북정로, between 태종로 and 화랑로, the two mainstreets in town, and borders on that downtown pedestrian-only shopping district.

Painted on the side of this store.

The "staff" is partially obscured.

I thought this post was going to be groundbreaking, but it looks like other people noticed it first (here and here), and apparently it's been around for a while.

My dad told me that when he was a kid there was a guy who lived across the street who used to hang a Nazi flag in his basement. He seemed a little crazy. But in that guy's defense he was from Austria and actually was a Nazi. So while he was hateful at least he wasn't ignorant. That was sarcasm.

I'm all for freedom of expression and all that. I'm just curious what view these Koreans are expressing with this mural. Do they respect Hitler for being a strong leader who pulled his people his country Germany out of a recession? Do they respect the Nazis and their influences for their authority based on blood purity? Do they just think the colors look cool and that Nazis are well-dressed? Do they like the Germans for being allied with Imperial Japan, the nation that conquer most of Asia, including South Korea? Oh, shit, wait . . .

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