Iran’s dead tyrant Ayatollah Khomeini makes repeated appearances in the south.
On the road beneath Beaufort Castle, which looks down into Israel, the story of suicide bomber Haitham Dbouq is told next to his portrait. "Haitham stormed into the convoy -- that had 30 occupation troops in its ranks -- blowing up his car amidst the vehicles that turned into fireballs and scattered bodies on the ground. Thirty Zionist casualties was the size of the material shock that hit the occupation army; the morale shock was much larger and more dangerous."
Portraits of "martyrs" killed in battle with Israel line the streets and the roads.
Near the entrance to Khiam prison. Until the year 2000, the prison was run by the South Lebanese Army, a Lebanese Christian ally of Israel, inside the occupation zone.
y lo enlazamos con las noticias de estos días en las que se está viendo envuelta la guerrilla Hezbollah :
El conflicto se recrudece en el Líbano a medida que avanzan las horas. Las milicias progubernamentales han abandonado las armas en el único distrito de la parte musulmana de Beirut que quedaba fuera del control de Hizbulá, según fuentes de las fuerzas de seguridad, que han precisado que el Ejército se ha desplegado en la zona.
La milicia chií había conseguido el control de toda la parte musulmana de la capital a excepción del distrito de Tarek al-Yadeedi, una zona mayoritariamente suní y leal al Gobierno.
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